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Freshers & Experienced Openings July 2024

ASP.NET 3.5 interview questions with answers

The IHttpHandler and IHttpHandlerFactory interfaces ?

The IHttpHandler interface is implemented by all the handlers. The interface consists of one property called IsReusable. The IsReusable property gets a value indicating whether another request can use the IHttpHandler instance. The method ProcessRequest() allows you to process the current request. This is the core place where all your code goes. This method receives a parameter of type HttpContext using which you can access the intrinsic objects such as Request and Response. The IHttpHandlerFactory interface consists of two methods - GetHandler and ReleaseHandler. The GetHandler() method instantiates the required HTTP handler based on some condition and returns it back to ASP.NET. The ReleaseHandler() method allows the factory to reuse an existing handler.

Does .NET CLR and SQL SERVER run in different process?

Dot Net CLR and all .net realtes application and Sql Server run in same process or we can say that that on the same address because there is no issue of speed because if these two process are run in different process then there may be a speed issue created one process goes fast and other slow may create the problem.

What do you mean by three-tier architecture?

The three-tier architecture was comes into existence to improve management of code and contents and to improve the performance of the web based applications. There are mainly three layers in three-tier architecture. the are define as follows

(2)Business Logic


(1)First layer Presentation contains mainly the interface code, and this is shown to user. This code could contain any technology that can be used on the client side like HTML, JavaScript or VBScript etc.

(2)Second layer is Business Logic which contains all the code of the server-side .This layer have code to interact with database and to query, manipulate, pass data to user interface and handle any input from the UI as well.

(3)Third layer Data represents the data store like MS Access, SQL Server, an XML file, an Excel file or even a text file containing data also some additional database are also added to that layers.

Describe the Provider Model in ASP.NET 2.0?

The Provider model in ASP.NET 2.0 is based on the Provider Design Pattern that was created in the year 2002 and later implemented in the .NET Framework 2.0.

The Provider Model supports automatic creation of users and their respective roles by creating entries of them directly in the SQL Server (May even use MS Access and other custom data sources). So actually, this model also supports automatically creating the user table's schema.

The Provider model has 2 security providers in it: Membership provider and Role Provider. The membership provider saves inside it the user name (id) and corresponding passwords, whereas the Role provider stores the Roles of the users.

For SQL Server, the SqlMembershipProvider is used, while for MS Access, the AccessMembershipProvider is used. The Security settings may be set using the website adminstration tool. Automatically, the AccessMembershipProvider creates a Microsoft Access database file named aspnetdb.mdb inside the application's App_Data folder. This contains 10 tables.

Explain about Generics?

Generics are not a completely new construct; similar concepts exist with other languages. For example, C++ templates can be compared to generics. However, there's a big difference between C++ templates and .NET generics. With C++ templates the source code of the template is required when a template is instantiated with a specific type. Contrary to C++ templates, generics are not only a construct of the C# language; generics are defined with the CLR. This makes it possible to instantiate generics with a specific type in Visual Basic even though the generic class was defined with C#.



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