We are pleased to inform you that Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions (RBEI) is conducting a Freshers Written Test on 2nd January 2010, It is a open selection process for all B.E/B.Tech [ E&E, E&C, E&I, Telecom] students 2009 batch Written Test Details: Criteria:- Aggr 70% and above Venue:- Bangalore Institute of Technology K.R road, V V puram, Bangalore - 560004 Reporting time:- 9.30am Candidates who have attended our written test in the last 6 months are not eligible to take the test. Test will comprise Technical + Aptitude questions and test of English language. Selection Process: Shortlisted candidates will be invited for the personal interview. Details and venue of the interviews will be sent by mail. Please bring 2B Pencil and Eraser without fail. You will be required to mark the answers with pencil. Kindly carry the copy of this mail, identity proof alongwith Degree Certificat