Google for the first time on Wednesday revealed the hardware at the core of its Internet operations at a conference about the increasingly prominent issue of data center efficiency, reports CNET’s Stephen Shankland . Instead of buying hardware from companies such as Dell, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, or Sun Microsystems, Google designs and builds its own. (The company has hundreds of thousands of servers.) Ben Jai, who designed many of Google’s servers, unveiled the server hardware. The first surprise: each server has its own 12-volt battery to supply power if there’s a problem with the main source of electricity. Shankland writes: Why is the battery approach significant? Money. Typical data centers rely on large, centralized machines called uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)–essentially giant batteries that kick in when the main supply fails and before generators have time to kick in. Building the power supply into the server is cheaper and means costs are matched directly to t