Among the perennially popular genres of programs, the must-have "to-do" list resides close to the top for many. This month's software, the highly regarded Wunderlist, is available for a myriad of devices and platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Macintosh, along with Android, iPhone, iPad and Blackberry devices. Developed by the Berlin-based firm of 6Wunderkinder, it has become firmly established as one of the best of its type.
Pared down to the most essential features, Wunderlist offers an easily
mastered interface in thirty languages, with a pleasant design and a
variety of themes. Notes can be added to a selected task, while individual items can be starred and designated with deadlines. Multiple lists, each with its own set of tasks, are simple to set up.
Wunderlist focuses on options to let a user access and synchronize to-do lists from a variety of devices, as well as the webapp. Lists can be cooperatively shared through the most popular social media -- Facebook and Twitter. The CloudApp offers collaborative capability, even with those who do not have a free Wunderlist account.
Individual tasks are easily added, and can be sent by e-mail with any
accompanying notes included automatically. List items can be conveniently filtered by date or status. In addition, the reminder option provides notification facilities for each task as specified by the due date. For those requiring the comfort of a hard copy, lists can be printed.
A slick and simple to use to-do program, Wunderlist provides a useful array of features in an attractive design. Anyone with a busy life and a crowded schedule may find this app a useful tool to manage the innumerable demands on their time.
Swing over to the site for screenshots, additional details and download links for numerous devices at:
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