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Freshers & Experienced Openings July 2024

Tavant Technologies Interview Questions

Hi Friends,

This interview is for 3 years experienced Java/J2EE guy.

First Round:

1) About project

2) All basics of Java – Encapsulation , Polymorphism, Over riding, inheritance, over loading

3) Exception handling – Checked and unchecked exceptions

4) Example for runtime exceptions

5) What is abstraction and difference between interface and abstract class

6) Basics of threads

7) Which one is preferable thread class or runnable interface

8) Single ton – Other design patterns - Write sample singleton class

9) Collections

10) What is the output:
some code written here which throw an exception
} catch(Exception e){
} finally{
Sysout (“end”);

11) A class Thread A with overridden run method.. {run(){Sysout("TT"); }}
A main program psvm{; // call run; // call run
a.start(); //start the thread
What happens, what is the output?

12) Some basic questions on select queries.

13) Many more… small programs

Second Round:

1) About project

2) Difference between Stringbuffer and stringbuilder

3) Reversing a string without using string.reverse :

4) What is singleton, factory, façade – definitions and how you implement.

5) What is MVC

6) What is deadlock and write a sample code for deadlock and tell me how you solve this deadlock. Without using wait or notify

7) Thread A obj, Thread B obj, Thread C obj for the same class and that class contains 3 static synchronized methods so when we start the 3 threads say a.meth1, b.meth2, c.meth3 what will happen – does all three will execute or only one

8) What are different types of locks? (class lock/object lock)

9) Added to question 7 , if I have a static long l =10 class variable and in all three methods I have given l++ then what will happen.

10) Difference between Classnotfound exception and noclassdeffound exception

11) Different HTTP status codes like 200, 500, 402, 401,404 etc

12) Spring questions

13) Servlet lifecycle and portlet lifecycle and differences between them

14) When sevlet lifecycle methods are executed and loaded? what does the web container does when request comes and when destroy() executes.

15) Difference between include and forward

16) Request dispatcher and send redirect differences with that what happens internally when you use send redirect.

17) Hashcode questions.. why you override both hashcode and equals method

18) What algorithm is used for hashcode

19) What algorithm is used for hashmap and how is it implemented

20) Class a then a obj1 = new a() then a obj2 = new a() what will return obj1 == obj2 and obj1 == obj1 and what happens internally

21) Added to question 20 class a obj1.equals(obj2) internally what happens

22) Added to question 20 class a has a new variable static long i==0 and overridden equals method says{ i==i} and hashcode method now obj1 == obj2 what happens

23) What is webservices

24) How you deploy a war file in tomcat without using tomcat admin

25) What is serialization and internally what happens when you serialize it and advantages of it.

26) About synchronization also

27) Why u want to shift your company

28) Two tables

Table name : Employee Dept
Name Name
EMP id EMP id
Salary Dept id

Get all the employees with dept name as IT
get first five employees with highest salary with dept name IT.
Get the emp Ids who are not there in dept table.

29) Some more… which I don’t remember……… :)

Let me know if you have any questions or answers in comments. Thank you.

Please contact me if you wish to contribute.


  1. You can copy this program and try it out where you can able to answer atleast 5 to 6 questions above.

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;

    public class OnlyOneInMethod {
    private String objID;
    static int num = 10;
    public OnlyOneInMethod(String objID) {
    this.objID = objID;

    public OnlyOneInMethod() {
    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public static synchronized void doStuff(int val) {

    System.out.print("entering doStuff()" + num);
    //num = val + 2 ;
    System.out.println("doStuff variable num=" + num);

    /*try {
    } catch (InterruptedException x) {

    System.out.print("leaving doStuff()");
    public static synchronized void doStuff1(int val) {

    System.out.print("entering doStuff1()" + num);
    //num = val + 2 ;
    System.out.println("doStuff1 variable num=" + num);

    /* try {
    } catch (InterruptedException x) {
    System.out.print("leaving doStuff1()");
    public void print(String msg) {
    threadPrint("objID=" + objID + " - " + msg);

    public static void threadPrint(String msg) {
    String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
    System.out.println(threadName + ": " + msg);
    public boolean equals(OnlyOneInMethod o){
    return this.num == o.num;


    public static void main(String[] args) {
    OnlyOneInMethod ooim = new OnlyOneInMethod("obj1");
    OnlyOneInMethod ooim2 = new OnlyOneInMethod("obj1");

    System.out.println(ooim == ooim2);
    System.out.println(ooim == ooim);

    String s = "hello";
    String s1 = new String("hello");

    System.out.println(s == s1);
    System.out.println(s == s);

    Runnable runA = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

    Thread threadA = new Thread(runA,"ThreadA");

    /*try {
    } catch (InterruptedException x) {

    Runnable runB = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

    Thread threadB = new Thread(runB,"ThreadB");

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